Hale Ao o Ka Moamoa

A research lab at Georgia Tech reimagining computing for sustainability, with applications in conservation, healthcare, interactivity and education. Learn about the name

Recent Publications

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"Those don't work for us": An Assets-Based Approach to Incorporating Emerging Technologies in Viable Hawaiian Teacher Support Tools for Culturally Relevant CS Education Conference for Research on Equitable and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT’24)

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Soil-powered computing: the engineer's guide to practical soil microbial fuel cell design ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (ACM UbiComp’24)

Video Info Fast Company’s 2024 Innovation by Design Honorable Mention (2x)

User-directed Assembly Code Transformations Enabling Efficient Batteryless Arduino Applications ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (ACM UbiComp’24)

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Characterizing and Mitigating Touchtone Eavesdropping in Smartphone Motion Sensors 26th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID ‘23)

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Detecting Eating and Social Presence with All Day Wearable RGB-T 2023 IEEE/ACM Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE’23)

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Prospective Students

Our lab is always looking for highly motivated, extremely curious students, with interesting and diverse backgrounds. After reading some of our papers, and looking at some of our projects, where do you see yourself?

  • Do you have serious hardware hacking skills? Are you a software guru?
  • Maybe you are interested in handling the massive amounts of lossy data these systems gather in an elegant way?
  • Perchance you think that all of this falls apart unless we study the human factors, and the sociological impact of trillions of always on devices interacting with us?
  • Or maybe you just really like to build things and see those things have an impact.

If you are any of these people, we might be interested in working with you as a graduate, or undergraduate student.

Before you contact us, It is highly recommended you read this advice , and this advice. Make sure to apply to Georgia Tech’s College of Computing, and we can talk about working together. If you are already at Georgia Tech as an undergraduate or graduate student, email Prof Hester to schedule a time to talk in his office.

Prof Hester (a Native Hawaiian) is especially interested in engaging Native and Indigenous students and researchers in Computer Science and Engineering. Please reach out.

Fill out this form if you are interested in working with us.


NSF CAREER: Enabling Dynamic, Adaptive, and Reliable Battery-free Embedded Computing

Adaptive, Architecture, hardware, languages, and tools, for energy harvesting, intermittently powered computing devices.

Sustainable Cyberinfrastructure

Building sensor networks and edge computing cyberinfrastructure for environmental justice and civic action with Indigenous communities.

Carbon Nutrition Labels for IoT

Make carbon and sustainability a first-order design parameter for future edge computing devices that range from tiny, energy-harvesting IoT devices to higher performance consumer electronics.

Soil Powered Computing

Harnessing energy from soil to compute and sense at scale.

Sustainable Robotics

Reinventing robotics platforms with sustainable metrics in mind.

Cancer Fighting Implants

We develop implantable electronics that sense the tumour micro-environment and trigger living call based therapy to treat ovarian cancer.

Circadian Computing

We develop wearable devices that can sense circadian phase and activity, then deliver interventions (via implantable) to entrain new circadian rythyms.

Mobile Health

We explore wearable computational methods to reduce the effect of structural, societal, monetary, or mental barriers to receiving healthcare treatment.

Beyond CMOS Computing

Architecture, languages, and tools, for spintronic computing devices.

Interactive, Programmable Battery-free Devices

Battery-free, interactive devices for a sustainable IoT.

Smart Personal Protective Equipment

Batteryless devices for smart personal protection


Our lab is generously funded by the National Science Foundation under multiple awards:

We are also funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) National Institutes of Health, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Army Research Office (ARO), the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, VMware, and 3M.
